No matter what kind of product you transport, you can give it to us with confidence,
It will be safely delivered to your destination.
Here, you will always find the right transportation channel for you.
Shanghai CZ-Solution Forwarding Co.,Ltd is mainly engaged in international shipping, air cargo import and export cargo and express mail transportation agency business. The company was established in December 2016. As an international logistics partner, our record of safe transportation exceeds all industry standards. No matter what kind of product you transport, you can safely hand it over to us and we will deliver it safely to your destination.
We are committed to innovation and continue to add new services to our existing business. We focus on the continuous updating of services and technologies, refreshing the industry's customer service standards; customer trust is our driving force...
Our warehouses cover more than 10,000 square meters and all kinds of goods can be loaded and unloaded here. Our warehouse has experienced staff to supervise the entire loading and unloading process, effectively avoiding damage and shortages...
We have long-term cooperation with professional land transport companies, with outstanding service and clear division of labor. Some are good at city transportation, some are good at transportation in the province, and some specialize...
Committed to innovation, and constantly adding new services to the existing business scope. We focus on the continuous updating of services and technologies, refreshing the industry's customer service standards; customer trust is our driving force, our goal is to become a respected international logistics service provider with service organizations all over the world.